Gold Mountain Isn’t Just A Place, It’s An Experience!

climbing the Gold Mountain Via Ferrata

This morning my alarm went off right at 5:30 am…. I am NOT a morning person, 但当我意识到我们今天要做什么时, 我跳了起来,准备去圣胡安山脉探险. 从科罗拉多州蒙特罗斯开车过来,我在Spotify的播放列表里放着我最喜欢的歌. That made the 40-mile drive go by quick.

沿着Uncompahgre河来来回回地急转弯让我的车在路上行驶变得很刺激. 两边都是山,我不禁被这原始的美吸引住了. 加速穿过最后一个拐角进入城镇,我瞥见了山. Abrams right smack dab in the center of sight. Basecamp Ouray is found on the west side of Main Street, almost in the center of the downtown stretch. 这个直销中心是多家商店的中心,包括Ray 's Jerky(很棒的零食)。, Yankee Girl (great for breakfast), Ouray Shirt Company (for the Ouray gear), 楼下的Colorado Made是当地制作的精美艺术品! Basecamp在大楼的最后面,在那里你会发现友好的工作人员, sometimes dogs, and a room full of climbing fun! (Did I mention a remote working space too?)

早上7点半,我们见到了Basecamp Ouray的老板洛根·泰勒(Logan Tyler). 他很爽朗,很想带我们去看他的费拉塔大道杰作. He helped get us the gear we needed, ensured everything fit, and that we had the necessities like water, helmet, and sun protection.

准备好后,我们向北开了一小段车去我们的出发点(大约3分钟)。. 从越野车里出来,就是那块高耸的红色岩石,等待着我们的冒险. 我们中的一些人笑得合不拢嘴,而另一些人则在想自己陷入了什么境地.

At the start, Logan said this is the most tricky. 它包含了你在路上会遇到的一切(除了天桥). 之所以这样开始,是为了让人们在精神和身体上测试自己的能力. 这样,你就可以在有时间回头的时候弄清楚. 因为一旦你出发了,就只有一个出口了. Logan was an excellent mentor, coach, and guide. He helped walk us through what to do, what to expect, how to handle mental breakdowns (very important), and taught us about how he created this experience. I won’t spoil it, so be sure to find out for yourself!

爬上这座建筑让我的注意力从生活中发生的其他事情上转移开. It forced me to focus on the present. 也许是害怕滑倒或摔倒让我如此专注……即使在那时, I knew it would be safe if it were to happen. 你被他们的攀爬系统双重锁定了, 因此,如果其中一个出现故障(这种情况很少发生),第二个就会作为备份.

The first section was tricky, 我们这群人花了一点时间才掌握了这个动作的节奏:往上爬, stabilize, 松开一个钩环,移动到下一段电缆, repeat for the second carabiner, regain balance, look to where you’re going, climb, repeat. Once you get the motions down, it is almost like yoga. Except you are on the side of a cliff.

沿途有很多地方,洛根停下来讲述这里发生的历史. 金矿在19世纪末和20世纪初非常活跃. 你可以看到建筑结构、铁路、隧道,甚至是他们使用的材料的回忆! 与其他的菲拉塔之路相比,这次冒险的一个突出之处在于它融入了Ouray的历史.

大约在半路上,有两种选择可以到达下一个点. One way was an easier climb, 另一个将是最困难的,因为完成任务的陡峭和耐力. 爬上这条艰难的路线,胳膊和肩膀都很烫. 可能因为我不是那种喜欢手臂的女孩吧, my heart started to race. 不仅仅是因为我的肌肉在尖叫,“你在干什么!?” But because of the jaw-dropping views.

Difficult Route on Gold Mountain Via Ferrata

Difficult Route on Gold Mountain Via Ferrata

我的生命只依靠一根小小的缆绳来支撑,如果我摔倒了,还有一些挂绳来接住, allowed for a new perspective. 你的眼睛所看到的是一种难以形容的感觉. The rugged mine buildings below, 湛蓝的天空与嶙峋的山峰形成鲜明对比, and a valley of vast beauty in all directions.

那个部分结束后,我们都休息了一下,喝了点水. Happy to say we all made it! 我们发现下一个障碍就在旧矿车隧道的另一边, the first suspension bridge. Heights don’t bother me, but for those who may be affected by it, make sure to find a point at the end, and just stare. 这有助于防止你向下看,甚至有助于保持平衡.

First bridge and mine cart tunnel

我们继续徒步走了一小段路,经过一座古老的铁匠建筑. Be sure to get photos! Once again, the views are out of this world. 这条费拉塔大道海拔超过1200英尺,所以你不会失望的! 下一段攀登使我想起了起点. 这是一个更技术性的一点,必须从左边切换剪辑, to the right, and back. Then look up. There is it. The second longest sky bridge in America. 这座悬索桥的长度是273英尺,只比世界纪录少了两英尺! 对我来说,这个比第一个更容易,因为它的立足点不是圆形的. It is a couple of inches wide and has grip on it. 对其他人来说,这很难,但他们花时间,毫无问题地做到了.

Once completing the bridge, 我们走在桥下的一条小路上,在到达顶部之前,这条小路将我们与最后一批电缆连接起来. By then, we were all pro’s. 至少,我们觉得到最后我们看起来知道自己在做什么!

我们在山顶受到另一位Basecamp员工的欢迎,他是我们的返程司机. 他面带微笑,提出要在山顶给我们拍照. 我们互相击掌,开怀大笑,最重要的是,我们创造了一生难忘的回忆.

在找到那辆越野车之前,我们发现了另一座建筑. It wasn’t a mine… IT WAS A BAR. Well, soon to be bar. Jokingly, Logan says, “typically when people are over hikes, you encourage them with, ‘oh there is a beer at the top (joking)’, now we don’t have to joke about it.”

经过费拉塔的金山是一次不可思议的经历. It incorporates fitness, self-awareness, building confidence, history, 科罗拉多的山景是你在其他地方看不到的.


  • No prior experience is necessary

  • It is kid-friendly

  • You must wear your helmet

  • 带手套是明智的选择,它可以防止你的手酸痛

  • They do large groups

  • 这是一条私人路线,所以你必须走Basecamp Ouray


Canyons, Cliffs, and Water… Oh my